Privacy wants players to feel 100% safe and comfortable at the poker tables. We try to do everything to keep our customers satisfied. By the use of real random (random) number generators to maintain the integrity and by providing real-time transaction and game history. Because the excellent poker software and securing and protecting the privacy of our players with a 128-bit SSL technology. This is the strength of our company. We also have the most advanced combination of analysis tools for installation and we are extremely vigilant of false and play together. employees and their family members may not have a player account or otherwise play on our website. This also applies to employees of one of the subsidiaries of
All information provided by the player, will be kept strictly secret. Player information will never be sent to another organization for commercial or other purposes, unless we are required by law. Please refer our privacy policy. Because safety reasons has the right to ask players to submit official documents. Example to prove that they are the rightful owners of an account. Think on documents as a copy of the front and back of the credit card of the player, an identity card, a deposit slip form and address proof. Note: the first record we always ask for these documents.
Game integrity
Working together of two or more players to get a head start on the rest of the table is obviously illegal. A special by our selected team of experienced poker players soon discovers suspicious circumstances and patterns at the poker tables. has also automatic tools that any abnormal game patron or a possible collusion between players detects. We want a fair and pleasant play environment protection.
Advanced algorithms, programmed by poker veterans and experts, installed an alarm to go off when suspicious patterns are detected. All events - each hand, action, gain, loss, etc. - are included in the system for strengthen the research. Even players that use Playtech software, we like to warn that our game is controlled by sophisticated tools. Our Anti-conspiracy and team programs work day and night together with monitoring and surveillance teams, so that cheaters and players together will not play at our poker tables!
Cheaters, we strongly keep an eye on and we do not hesitate to banish these people from our games and by giving their names to other sites. always believes in"innocent until proven guilty", but our analysis of complex play pattern and also the behavior of the player (s) gives enough information to correct conclusions. Depending on the nature of the offense, we ask players to explain their behavior. In more extreme cases we have the right to deny the player access to our site. Action against conspiracies and fraudulent activities
We want nothing more than keep cheaters off our site, so our players can enjoy their game at Reassured that their game is checked for integrity and honesty. We therefore introduce a strict policy to an individual or group to try to change the game in a negative way for other players.All information about cheaters, conspirators or other fraudulent activities will be spread to other online gaming sites and where necessary to the appropriate authorities. We ask all players in contact with a cheater by giving it to us (Securely) via e-mail [email protected]. We wish everyone who intends to play or to enjoy all of the poker game, good luck! guarantees, without doubt, the fairest poker game possible.
Have fun playing!