Two billionth hand will soon be dealt!

Since its start in September 2004, more than 1,950,000,000 hands have been dealt at iPoker’s cash tables. Hands are being dealt at a pace of over 1.8 million hands per day, and we expect to the two billionth hand will be dealt during the second week of December 2009. This special occasion will be celebrated with huge bonuses!
Update: the two billionth hand has been dealt!

Actress wins poker ticket
Fajah Lourens has ensured that she has qualified for the Master Classics of Poker.
Sven Polarski Twente Classics
Sven Polarski continues winning flow at the Twente Classics at Enschede.
Interview Jozef Minkels
The first interview with the nr. 1 from the €500 event and nr 3 from the Main Event in Rotterdam.