Aaron Gustavson wins EPT London

Yesterday Aaron Gustavson won the European Poker Tour London. In an exciting heads-up he defeated reigning world champion Peter Eastgate. He returned to America with his prize of £850,000 because of his victory.
Gustavson began the day as chip leader, with over seven million points. Eastgate stood at second position, with as many chips as the number three, Martin Gudvangen.
After more than seven hours the battle was decided:
- Aaron Gustavson £850.000
- Peter Eastgate £530.000
- Nikolai Senninger £285.000
- Martin Gudvangen £227.000
- Dominic Cullen £173.000
- Rui Milhomens £124.000
- Raymond Wu £87.000
- Karim Bennani £50.100

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